SEWA Bharat in Publications

Brief on Financial Inclusion: Survey in 5 States

This factsheet highlights the findings from 5 states, Delhi, Gujarat, Madhya Pradesh, Uttarakhand and Punjab, in terms of financial inclusion for informal women workers. It also sheds light on the major sources of income for these women, their borrowings and access to smartphones. 

Recommendations from T20 Side Event

On 22nd March, 2023, SEWA Bharat held a T20 Side Event titled ‘Women as Active Participants and Propellers of Economic Growth – Focusing on Livelihoods and Care Infrastructure.’ The recommendations from this event were presented to the Chief Coordinator of G20, Mr. Harsh Vardhan Shringla. The purpose of the document is to provide suggestions on ways to increase women’s participation in the economy, ultimately translating into actionable points for the acceleration of gender-sensitive SDGs as part of T20.

Home-based Workers In Delhi – Combating Invisibility and Recognizing Contributions

In Delhi, the capital of India, an estimated 7 per cent of all workers, women and men, are home-based workers. However, activists and civil society organizations estimate that this is likely to be an under-representation of the actual figures.

Microentrepreneurs Data Factsheet – 73rd Round of NSSO

A microenterprise is defined as an enterprise with a maximum investment of INR 1 crore and an annual turnover of up to INR 5 Crores. This has resulted in over 63 million enterprises being recorded in India in 2019, up from 13.3 million in 2008.

Evidence Review of COVID-19 and Women’s Informal Employment

The report reviewed the disproportionate impact of COVID-19 on informal women workers. and initiated a call to support the most vulnerable in economic recovery.

Report of the SAMI Committee

The report captures the key recommendations to the government on the desirability and feasibility of standalone micro-insurance companies in India.

Roadmap for Women’s Economic Empowerment

This report focuses on women in agriculture and the informal sector while identifying key concern areas and gaps in organizing women workers.

Impact of Digital Assets on Women in the Informal Sector

The study shows how digital assets enable women to reach wider markets, attain work opportunities, access information avenues, and skilling resources.

Solar and Renewable Energy

The report talks about the pilot program that was launched to showcase a successful community development initiative in the solar sector.

A Little More, How Much It Is..Piloting Basic Income Transfers in Madhya Pradesh, India

The report discusses whether or not Unconditional Cash Transfers can be incorporated into Indian social protection and economic policy.

An Experimental Pilot Cash Transfer Study in Delhi

The report is based on the pilot study conducted in Delhi to understand cash transfers for achieving food security and social protection.

Accelerating Women’s Economic Empowerment in India Event Report

The report is a product of a roundtable discussion between SEWA Bharat and International Innovations Corp addressed questions pertinent to women’s economic empowerment.

Advancing Cooperation among Women Workers in the Informal Economy: The SEWA Way

This report discusses challenges and opportunities for cooperatives and empowering informal women workers, with a specific focus on SEWA’s experience.

Energy Access and Women’s Livelihoods

The study discusses the inclusion of women in the energy access supply chain and in energy programs and policies through a gender-centric approach.

Deepening Financial Inclusion – Evidence from Two States – A SEWA-UNDP Initiative

SEWA conducted this study to cover the status of financial literacy and financial inclusion in two states namely, Bihar and Madhya Pradesh.

Employment Opportunities for Women in India’s Growing Financial Sector

This paper aims to identify the opportunities available for women in India’s financial sector, and the obstacles they face in accessing them, both from the demand and supply side.

Piloting Basic Income

In 2012-13, an universal basic income was tested in a pilot study carried out in a tribal village in Madhya Pradesh and it that the basic income induced a series of changes that added up to being transformational.

Clean City, Decent Work: An Inclusive and Innovative Solution for Managing Waste

This report aims to document the waste management challenges in Katihar district of Bihar, provide an overview of the SEWA model in response to these problems faced.

The Challenges of Maintaining Hygeine in Rural Bihar

Given widespread insecurities in water, latrine, and bathroom access, a study was conducted to understand how these insecurities effect personal hygiene practices of poor women and girls in rural areas of Bihar.

Shram Jeevani- Women in the Informal Economy in Bihar

The report was a cumulative approach to understand and recommend a decentralized approach to uplift and recognize the contribution and issues of women in informal labor.