Jaspreet ben is an inquisitive talkative woman who lives with her family in Balbhera, Punjab. Coming from a small family of farmers and cattle rearers, Jaspreet ben had to drop out of her college after the second year of her BA degree. She now does stitching work and makes silk thread bangles to earn a small income. During her free time, she loves to explore Whatsapp and Instagram to catch up on the latest fashion trends and create designs of her own. The demand for bangles peaks during the wedding season but remains scarce at other times. Jaspreet ben single-handedly manages all the work and finds all her customers through word-of-mouth. 2020’s COVID-induced lockdown brought a sharp dip in her orders. To pivot her income, she taught herself to stitch masks. She sells her products on SEWA Anubandh, an e-commerce platform born out of the SEWA movement that has been enabling grassroots women micro-entrepreneurs to sell directly to consumers across the globe. SEWA-led pilot programs have shown that self-employed women can easily take steps towards becoming job-creating micro-entrepreneurs if they are provided with the essential skills, market linkages, infrastructural support, the right backing, and opportunities.