55 year-old Niro Devi is a resident of Deepnagar. She is an aagewaan and is also associated with BCC. Her relationship with SEWA is almost 15 year old and she is considered to be a very active member. She is of a helpful nature and comes forward every time there is a SEWA related program in her community. Her family has seven members but due to lack of electricity, her kids were unable to study peacefully. When she got to know that residents of Deepnagar will be provided with solar lights, she ensured that her kids dont have to suffer anymore. The members of her community were fearful of being duped since they had their doubts about the efficacy of the lights but despite of being warned, Niro ben went ahead and got the solar lights installed in her home. She paid off the bill in small installments and in no time was able to enjoy its benefits and inspire the people around her.